670 Valencia Street Housing

This 50 unit affordable housing project is located in the Mission District of San Francisco. The two buildings were sited to create a large central courtyard that could be used for a variety of activities from casual conversation to formal events. The courtyard is planted with a grid of palm trees that define the main space. The ends of the courtyard are planted with flowering trees that enclose four small garden rooms. The edges of the site are screened with vines, enclosing the garden and creating a sense of privacy for the residents. Paving materials, finishes, plants and furniture were selected to create a non-institutional, residential character for the courtyard and garden areas. 
  • 670 Valencia Street

    670 Valencia Street Housing

    San Francisco, California

    Project completed by Stephen Wheeler in association with Marta Fry Landscape Associates in San Francisco, California.

    This 50 unit affordable housing project is located in the Mission District of San Francisco. The two buildings were sited to create a large central courtyard that could be used for a variety of activities from casual conversation to formal events. The courtyard is planted with a grid of palm trees that define the main space. The ends of the courtyard are planted with flowering trees that enclose four small garden rooms. The edges of the site are screened with vines, enclosing the garden and creating a sense of privacy for the residents. Paving materials, finishes, plants and furniture were selected to create a non-institutional, residential character for the courtyard and garden areas.